Template: Akiraka v1.54Developer: RocketThemeVersion: Joomla 1.5.xDemo: Live DemoAkiraka introduces that incredibly functional and powerful Color Chooser, an administrator parameter addition that allows you to change the entire style of your site within seconds. This, tied with the fully transparent design and wondrous additions such as RokCandy, RokTabs and RokAjaxSearch sets the stage for unlimited possibilities. RokCandy, the awesome...
Template: MeridianDeveloper: RocketThemeVersion: Joomla 1.5.xDemo: Live DemoMeridian is the latest release for 2009 and does not disappoint. It is equipped with a fantastic array of features such as support for RokTabs and RokAjaxSearch. Elegance, usability and professionalism are the core elements of the theme. The theme is also the first RocketTheme template to boast complete RTL support to make Meridian easily adaptable to international...
Template: Akiraka EssentialsDeveloper: RocketThemeVersion: Joomla 1.5.xDemo: Live DemoAkiraka Essentials is a lighter weight, faster loading modification of the popular Akiraka template, featuring the functional and powerful Color Chooser. This, tied with the clean, low image design and wondrous additions such as RokCandy, RokTabs and RokAjaxSearch sets the stage for unlimited possibilities. RokCandy, the awesome new component the provides...
Template: MynxxDeveloper: RocketThemeVersion: Joomla 1.5.xDemo: Live DemoMynxx is the first ever RocketTheme template to incorporate the popular Joomla ecommerce / shopping component, Virtuemart. This integration is applied in a variety of platforms, such as modules, a custom virtuemart theme and template coding. The custom Virtuemart theme allows us to override the core output, which results in a more seamless integrated with the Virtuemart...
Template: SolarSentinel v1.5.3Developer: RocketThemeVersion: Joomla 1.5.xDemo: Live DemoSolarSentinel is ready to impress, with its staggering assortment of new, powerful and functional modules; its array of varying module hilites; a sophisticated and SEO friendly layout and incredible flexibility make the template an ideal choice for any situation. Content is king with this template with a plethora of avenues available to showcase your...
Template: Refraction v1.5.1Developer: RocketThemeVersion: Joomla 1.5.xDemo: Live DemoRefraction is a template to inspire and amaze. Utilising transparent overlays over professional and artistic background images produces staggering results, all matched with the perfect colour combination. Its easy to radically change the design with just an image and colour. RokTwittie is the centre stage module in the July release providing a window...
Template: AffinityDeveloper: RocketThemeVersion: Joomla 1.5.xDemo: Live DemoAffinity is the July 2009 release from RocketTheme and features extensive third party support for powerful and popular community products, such as JomSocial, K2 and phpBB3. The template’s core feature is Sortable Elements, which allows for the movement of modular rows, individual positions and stacks of modules. We also have styled support for various RocketTheme...
Template: NexusDeveloper: RocketThemeVersion: Joomla 1.5.xDemo: Live DemoNexus is the August 2009 release from RocketTheme. Its primary focus is that of style control, allowing for quick, simple and wide reaching changes of the theme’s styling with a few template parameter toggles. Also sporting a recoded layout, perfectly catered for search engine optimisation. Implement of custom, non-standard fonts using CSS is another key feature...
Template: MoxyDeveloper: RocketThemeVersion: Joomla 1.5.xDemo: Live DemoMoxy is the September 2009 release from RocketTheme. The theme balances both a simple and complex design, from the inclusion of stunning header styles, complimented by conservatively styled mainbody areas. RokQuickCart debuts with Moxy, a simple and elegant shopping cart component. Features and Screenshots * RokQuickCart Integration* SEF Optimised Layout* K2 Component...
Template: Digital SystemsDeveloper: Shape5Version: Joomla 1.0.x & Joomla 1.5 & Mambo 4.5.3Digital Systems is our first free template release. We at Shape 5 highly respect the open source community of Joomla and we wanted to make sure to release a freetemplate at our launch to give back to this community. This template comes with many standard features and is very easy to integrate with any Joomla installation. It comes with a custom...
Template: Your Storedeveloper: Shape5Version: Joomla 1.0.x & Joomla 1.5 & Mambo 4.5.3We are very proud to announce the release of Your Store Shape 5’s first eCommerce template. The template was designed to work directly with the VirtueMart shopping cart. It includes some great features such as 20 modulepositions, 10 different color themes and S5 Effects. Most importantly, Your Store comes along with a Brand New VirtueMart Menu module...
Template: Game Visiondeveloepr: Shape5Version: Joomla 1.0.x & Joomla 1.5 & Mambo 4.5.3Game Vision brings your gaming site to the next level of design. Whether it’s for a clan website, gaming backgrounds or just an informational site Game Vision gives you everything you need for a successful and professional gaming site.Game Vision has a fully transparent body with many color options to give your site a very unique feel. Best of...
Template: eWorlddeveloper: Shape5Version: Joomla 1.0.x & Joomla 1.5 & Mambo 4.5.3We are very excited to release our first template! eWorld was designed to be used on many types of websites. This template was designed to include web 2.0 characteristics. Its multiple, vibrant color options, easy to read headings and more give it a web 2.0 feel while its crisp design gives it the ability to be used on virtually any type of website...
Template: SphereDocsDeveloper: Shape5Version: Joomla 1.0.x & Joomla 1.5 & Mambo 4.5.3This month we decided to release a club bonus template, SphereDocs. Thistemplate is packed with some very nice and cutting edge features. SphereDocs has a very clean and simple look and layout to it. We designed it this way so thetemplate doesn’t take away from site content but rather leaves it to be the main focus. Your site content is enforced...
Template: BlissDeveloper: Shape5Version: Joomla 1.0.x & Joomla 1.5 & Mambo 4.5.3This month we decided to give our customers as many options as humanly possible. 21 color styles is just barely scratching the surface. Bliss comes with an amazing 66 module styles, 17 module positions, 68 typography items, UNLIMITED color combos (yes unlimited!), S5 slider tab (powered by S5 Effects, no script conflictions), new Pop Menu, plus dozens...
Template: Creative EdgeDeveloper: Shape5Version: Joomla 1.0.x & Joomla 1.5 & Mambo 4.5.3Creative Edge takes Joomla and gives it a creative touch. This month’s templateincludes 8 different color themes but it isn’t just the colors that change. Each colortheme is almost like a separate template in itself. The template features the S5width slider, S5 Box and the S5 Ultimate Drop Down. This month we also introduce Unlimited Accordion...