SolarSentinel - May 2009 Joomla Template

Diposting oleh All About Joomla Kamis, 04 Februari 2010


Template: SolarSentinel v1.5.3
Developer: RocketTheme
Version: Joomla 1.5.x
Demo: Live Demo

SolarSentinel is ready to impress, with its staggering assortment of new, powerful and functional modules; its array of varying module hilites; a sophisticated and SEO friendly layout and incredible flexibility make the template an ideal choice for any situation.

Content is king with this template with a plethora of avenues available to showcase your content in a visually stunning and effective manner.

Features and Screenshots


* New: RokStories Module
* New: RokMicroNews Module
* New: RokNewsPager Module
* New: RokWeather Module
* New: RokStock Module
* New: RokGzipper Plugin
* Source Ordered Layout
* Multi-column Menu
* RokMoomenu, Suckerfish, Splitmenu menus
* 10 Preset Styles
* 9 Module Variations
* FF3, Opera 9.6, Safari 3, IE6,7,8 Compatible
* W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional. W3C CSS Valid

Extensions, Extensions and even more Extensions!

The May template release is accompanied by an army of extensions from modules, plugins to components. There are 4 new modules, RokStories, RokMicroNews, RokNewsPager, RokStock and RokWeather which are all visible on the frontpage which provide a high degree of content control and visual majesty. Similarly, the popular extensions of old are also in tow, with RokNewsFlash making a reappearance along with RokTabs, RokAjaxSearch, RokNavMenu, RokBox and RokCandy. There have never been so many ways to diversify your site. More Details…

Source Ordered Layout

SolarSentinel continues the latest trend of SEO optimised templates. The layout of the template has been constructed differently to the norm. A typical Joomla template, in regards to the mainbody source, will load the left column first, then the right column and finally the main column (where your main articles are loaded). SolarSentinel takes a different approach and loads the main column code before the left and right columns. Therefore, this template loads in this order: Header, Menu, Showcase, Main Column, Left Column, Right Column, Bottom, Footer. This is perfect for SEO purposes as the search crawlers will find your main content before your subsidiary content in your side columns. This is a major step forward and will improve your search engine results for your pages. More Details…

SolarSentinel Documentation

Get started using SolarSentinel with a wide variety of written and video tutorials explaining installation, configuration, custom modules, and much more More Details…

SolarSentinel v1.5.3 Full Package (9.37 MB)


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