Template: Bliss
Developer: Shape5
Version: Joomla 1.0.x & Joomla 1.5 & Mambo 4.5.3
This month we decided to give our customers as many options as humanly possible. 21 color styles is just barely scratching the surface. Bliss comes with an amazing 66 module styles, 17 module positions, 68 typography items, UNLIMITED color combos (yes unlimited!), S5 slider tab (powered by S5 Effects, no script conflictions), new Pop Menu, plus dozens of other features that let you customize this template for any website need; business, blog, e-commerce and more!
The easy setup and loads of features behind Bliss will make anyone’s Joomlaexperience …. bliss!
Note: Joomla 1.0+ and 1.5 Versions available
* An amazing 21 color styles
* 21 color style PSDs included
* UNLIMITED color combos
* 17 module positions
* 68 typography options, see template demo for more info
* New Mootools Pop Menu (can easily be disabled)
* Blank logo PSD (42 logos in total)
* Fully collapsible module positions
* S5 content slider tab
* 3 preset page widths plus the option to set your own
* Hide or show width buttons, font buttons or search
* Hide or show the RSS, CSS and XHTM icons
* 4 menu options
* 66 module styles
* 2 logo styles, dark or light
* 2 suckerfish drop down styles, glossy or flat
* 3 page background options
* 100% tableless CSS
* Validates with XHTML and CSS
* Joomla 1.0+ compatible
* Joomla 1.5 compatible
* New set of Have It Your Way options. These options make anyone’s templateconfiguration pain-free.
* Plus many features never seen before to Joomla
* Compatible with the following browsers:
o IE6
o IE7
o Firefox 1.5+
o Opera 9+
o Netscape
o Advant
Color Variations Available:
Menu Styles:
S5 Pop Menu:
This month we are introducing a brand new, never seen to joomla before Mootools Pop Menu. To set this menu up just publish it to either the left or right moduleposition. Then in your module manager set the menu style to “flat list” and if you want select one of our 34 module styles to really set it off.
Column Menu:
This is the default left and right menu. To set it up enter your module manager and set the menu style to “horiztonal” and that’s it.
Suckerfish Drop Down:
This menu system comes installed directly into the template. There is nothing to do to set it up, however there are 2 style options. There is a glossy style and flat style. To learn how to set this up please visit the tutorials on the demo page.
Top Menu:
This is a great menu for submenu items. It goes right below the mainlevel suckerfish menu. To set it up publish a main to the “top” module position. Then add a menu class of -submenu and set the menu style to “flat list” and click save.
Have It Your Way options:
This month we are releasing dozens of Have It Your Way options for your template. This options allow anyone, programmer or not to very easily setup their templateexactly how they want it. All you have to do is answer a series of questions and you’re done. We’ve spent hours making sure the questions are as user-friendly as possible. Please visit our demo page to see a full list of all these options and how to set them up. Below are the options:
Set the color template style (styles1-21).
Choose between a light or dark logo.
Set the caption for the drop down content slider tab.
Set the default content slider position.
Show or hide the pathway.
Choose glossy or flat for the suckerfish menu style.
Hide or show the font buttons, width buttons or search.
Set the default width of the page or choose to create your own.
Choose between 3 background options.
Hide or show the RSS, CSS, XHTM icons or Copyright.
Change the widths of the left and right columns.
Set the colors, border size, font color and choose to show a gradient for Row1, Row2 and Row3. You can pick any colors you want!
Bliss is loaded with features and we’ve spent a lot of time setting up tutorials to make everything for our customers as pain-free as possible,but if you still aren’t sure or have any more questions don’t hesitate to ask on the forum.
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