Akiraka - February 2009 Joomla Template

Diposting oleh All About Joomla Kamis, 04 Februari 2010 ADD COMMENTS
Template: Akiraka v1.54Developer: RocketThemeVersion: Joomla 1.5.xDemo: Live DemoAkiraka introduces that incredibly functional and powerful Color Chooser, an administrator parameter addition that allows you to change the entire style of your site within seconds. This, tied with the fully transparent design and wondrous additions such as RokCandy, RokTabs and RokAjaxSearch sets the stage for unlimited possibilities. RokCandy, the awesome...

Meridian - March 2009 Joomla Template

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Template: MeridianDeveloper: RocketThemeVersion: Joomla 1.5.xDemo: Live DemoMeridian is the latest release for 2009 and does not disappoint. It is equipped with a fantastic array of features such as support for RokTabs and RokAjaxSearch. Elegance, usability and professionalism are the core elements of the theme. The theme is also the first RocketTheme template to boast complete RTL support to make Meridian easily adaptable to international...
Template: Akiraka EssentialsDeveloper: RocketThemeVersion: Joomla 1.5.xDemo: Live DemoAkiraka Essentials is a lighter weight, faster loading modification of the popular Akiraka template, featuring the functional and powerful Color Chooser. This, tied with the clean, low image design and wondrous additions such as RokCandy, RokTabs and RokAjaxSearch sets the stage for unlimited possibilities. RokCandy, the awesome new component the provides...

Mynxx - April 2009 Joomla Template

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Template: MynxxDeveloper: RocketThemeVersion: Joomla 1.5.xDemo: Live DemoMynxx is the first ever RocketTheme template to incorporate the popular Joomla ecommerce / shopping component, Virtuemart. This integration is applied in a variety of platforms, such as modules, a custom virtuemart theme and template coding. The custom Virtuemart theme allows us to override the core output, which results in a more seamless integrated with the Virtuemart...

SolarSentinel - May 2009 Joomla Template

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Template: SolarSentinel v1.5.3Developer: RocketThemeVersion: Joomla 1.5.xDemo: Live DemoSolarSentinel is ready to impress, with its staggering assortment of new, powerful and functional modules; its array of varying module hilites; a sophisticated and SEO friendly layout and incredible flexibility make the template an ideal choice for any situation. Content is king with this template with a plethora of avenues available to showcase your...

Refraction - June 2009 Joomla Template

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Template: Refraction v1.5.1Developer: RocketThemeVersion: Joomla 1.5.xDemo: Live DemoRefraction is a template to inspire and amaze. Utilising transparent overlays over professional and artistic background images produces staggering results, all matched with the perfect colour combination. Its easy to radically change the design with just an image and colour. RokTwittie is the centre stage module in the July release providing a window...

Affinity - July 2009 Joomla Template

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Template: AffinityDeveloper: RocketThemeVersion: Joomla 1.5.xDemo: Live DemoAffinity is the July 2009 release from RocketTheme and features extensive third party support for powerful and popular community products, such as JomSocial, K2 and phpBB3. The template’s core feature is Sortable Elements, which allows for the movement of modular rows, individual positions and stacks of modules. We also have styled support for various RocketTheme...
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