Socio Plazza, A Social Networking Website Style for Joomla

Diposting oleh All About Joomla Rabu, 03 Februari 2010


Template: Socio
Developer: TemplatePlazza
Version: Joomla 1.0.x & Mambo 4.5.3

We have released Socio Plazza today, a new Joomla template from TemplatePlazza

As it’s name, Socio plazza is designed with a social networking website style and suitable for a joomla website with Community Builder component installed.

This template is equipped with a suckerfish horizontal dropdown menu and a collapsible tabbed module position with cookie function.

You can download Socio Plazza directly from our download page (after logged in) or see template in action at demopage


Below is an overview of the template:

* Joomla 1.0.x compatible
* Mambo 4.5.x compatible
* Son Of Suckerfish Horizontal Dropdown Menu
* Collapsible Tabbed Module Position
* CB Compatible Template included
* Fully Collapsible Module Position
* Full width layout
* Tableless Design / Full CSS
* Already Named Sliced PSD file included
* Tested with IE 6+/IE 7/ Firefox/Opera/Safari
* Valid XHTML and CSS

Some screenshots showing these capabilities can be seen below :



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