SliderTab Plazza, A Joomla Template With Sliding Tab Effect

Diposting oleh All About Joomla Rabu, 03 Februari 2010


Template: SliderTab
Developer: TemplatePlazza
Version: Joomla 1.0.x & Mambo 4.5.3

SliderTab Plazza is a new template addition to TemplatePlazza Joomla/MamboTemplate Club.
This new template come with a sliding panel javascript effect combined withmodule tabulation function.
With this features, you can placed any modules into a ‘hide and show area’ and let your site visitor defined themselves if they want to see the module or not

The sliding panel also customized with a cookie function, so most of all popular browser will remember the latest state of sliding panel (show or hide) when people visit another page on your web

Changelog :

1.1 Add remember function into module tabulation


Below is an overview of the template:

* Joomla 1.0.x compatible
* Mambo 4.5.3 compatible
* Sliding Panel With Module Tabulation Feature
* Valid xhtml 1.0 transitional + CSS
* PSD images included
* Tested with IE/Firefox/Opera/Safari

Some screenshots showing these capabilities can be seen below:



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